Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh genie of the lamp

So, as my birthday is coming up, I feel that I am justified in posting a wish list.  This is what I would ask a genie for if I had one.  Also a little hint hint for mom and dad, eh? ;)

Mini loaf pans - I'm not sure whether these are the same size Mom has, but I love the size of her mini loaf pans.
Jesus the Christ - now this one's serious.
Laundry drying rack - We've already discussed this, but I think it's important enough to mention again.  After all, look at this:

Isn't that ridiculous?

A time turner - P.S. did you notice that this link goes to the Harry Potter version of wikipedia?  Awesome.
A food thermometer - awesome, no?
A waffle iron - Mine isn't working :'(
A planner - yes, I admit that I have too much going on to carry it all around in my head.  Sigh.
An immersion blender - does this even need explaining?  I like to make soup :)
A new pillow - seriously, I've had mine since 7th grade
A million dollars
A book about choosing a college major - by Henry B. Eyring, no less
An ipod - I know, so cliche.  But I just haven't gotten over the theft of my last one, I guess....
A cure for this annoying eye allergy thing I have that makes me wear glasses all the time
While we're on that topic, a cure for diabetes would be nice too
Also, a cure for procrastination
A cure for world violence?
A Josh Groban CD
Hard shoes for Irish dance (tap shoes work)
Fun spices from Penzey's
A pair of TOMS shoes
A 9x13 pan
A personal assistant

I obviously need to stop late-night posting.  I'm babbling on and not making any sense even to myself.  So I will talk to you all later.  If you happen to see a tarnished brass lamp with a genie inside, let me know.  That would be nice.


P.S. I have physiology and organizational behavior tests that I need to get done in the next few days.  I also have a spanish quiz and the practice LSAT on Saturday.  What have I gotten myself into?  I also signed up to be a part of the Honors Student Advisory Council, on the Public Relations committee (as soon as I told them that I knew how to work CS InDesign, I got shunted into that committee.  I don't object.  All the other members are of the male persuasion ;).  And I'm going to host a chick flick night next week for my intramural basketball team.  No word yet on whether any of the boys will actually attend, although Ian says he will if I make popcorn.


  1. Cute, but you obviously have too much time on the internet. Mom actually saw a drying rack last week but didn't want to deal with shipping. I like the personal assistant, but I would probably not choose Amelia. If I could get a time turner, I'm pretty sure I could come up with the million bucks, but they are a matched pair. You can't get one without the other. Get some sleep. (Luke made me swear not to say Go to bed anymore...) Love, Dad

  2. Yes, that's ridiculous! Drying Rack: 15 bucks at your local store. Someone send this girl some cash so she can dry her clothes!!!!!!!

  3. Eliza, What does LSAT stand for?? I love you!!

  4. Oh Eliza!!!!!!!! You finally have succumbed to organization by planner!!!!!!! I have evil plans already.... Oh, and if you got an ipod, what kind of ipod would you like best? Would you just want it for music, or the games and apps and stuff as well (like the touch, or the nano, or the shuffle)

    Marta Loo

    P.S. please specify what kind of nano if you would like that one! :D
