Friday, September 23, 2011

Eliza Houghton and the Awesome Roommate

Hello, all.  Disclaimer before I begin: all of my roommates are awesome.  Only one of them, however, has introduced me to four hilarious youtube videos in the past two weeks, and so it is with great pleasure and honor that I announce this week's Awesome Roommate: Megan!!  And here are the videos that won her the awards!

Also, this post is dedicated to Marta, who posted that bit of coolness on the family blog the other week.  Love you all!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lunch out

Well, as you may be able to tell, my new smartphone (with 2x as many megapixels as my old camera, and much more portable and useful) has inspired me to take more pictures of my life.  Now, most bloggers apologize for days when they take pictures on their phones - not me!  Just be happy they're this good!  And that they exist at all...

Stacey and Erin at Sammy's.  We actually ate lunch at Osaka and went to Sammy's for pie shakes, but I may have forgotten to get pictures while we were eating lunch...

Pie shakes!!  Delicious.  And way cute restaurant.  I should have gotten a picture of the front, sigh.

Heidi, me, and Stacey in Sammy's.  Ignore the weird squinty thing.  I think my eyebrows have gotten too used to being quirked one at a time.


P.S. How was your weekend?

By any other name...

They call me... she who puts weird things in dishwashers.

And also, she who empties the dishwasher.


P.S. Last time it was a combination lock.  And pennies.

Saturday, September 17, 2011



Bed!  Covered in homework-related paraphernalia!

Over-desk shelf!

And again, with the food-related items shelf!

And everything else. This is my room!


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Update on Life, September 10, 2011

My pump!  Today is the 8th anniversary of getting my pump.  This isn't actually the pump I got eight years ago, but I've been on the pump for eight years, so HEY!

Remember those cute shoes I posted about last week?  This is a bloodstain on the heel.  The other shoe has a matching stain.  :(

I LOVE BOUNTIFUL BASKETS!!  This week I got lettuce, spinach, green beans, yams, grapes, peaches, pears, bananas, cauliflower, and FIGS!

Heidi went glasses shopping with me and was hungry, so we stopped at Kneaders so sh could get some late lunch.  Yum.  I really should have gotten some pics of us trying on crazy grandma glasses...

Okay, so the second week of school has passed.  Of notice this week is that I picked out some new glasses (though I have yet to order them), got a flu shot which laid me out for 10 hours (!), went out to lunch with my old roommate Amy, played games with my old roommate Stacey, bought a new Microsoft Office package (ouch!), ate J-Dawgs with Heidi and Caroline, ran my first womanstats meeting, and have the first week of club water polo today!  Yay!

I'll give an update on classes later, but right now I've got to get back to homework, so... Toodles!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Random tidbits

Also, while I'm posting random bits and pieces, here's an email that Tess sent me at the beginning of June that I think is absolutely hilarious:

Miss Eliza Houghton,

   I must now inform you that there is no way you are a witch.  I have recently discovered that magical peoples in America are never invited to any magical schools because we are too revolutionist.  But you are probably still wondering why that means that you are not a witch, am I right?  Well, you are too much of a procrastinator on the internet.  You say you will post, but you don't.  You say you will AGAIN, and you STILL don't.  Thus you cannot in any way be at all magical.

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress of
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry

Spanish class madness

Holla, folks.  I'm not quite ready to get back into the swing of things and write a real up-to-the-minute post, but I have a quick anecdote to share at least. Yesterday in Spanish class we had to choose, as a class, several famous people to "interview" as.  Our choices were as follows:
-Scooby Doo
-Tom Cruise
-Anne of Green Gables
-Capitan Von Trapp and his esposa Maria
-Capitan Crunch

My favorite part was when we were discussing "personas crunchatizados," or "crunchatized people."  It was pretty funny.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to school fun

Well, I'm back to school, so I'm going to try to get back into the habit of blogging as well.  For now, here's a photo update on the last couple of weeks:

Mom's birthday dinner.  Because while I'm not a consistent picture-taker, I usually snap some photos of food...

Mom with her birthday cake.  It was a banana split torte.  Delicious.

Dad with his birthday cake.  Sorry, the photo is blurry because I got it from facebook...  Anyways, I didn't get to eat the cake, but I hope it was delicious in spite of its looks...

Vegetables from a coop.

A picture of a beater car so Luke doesn't feel so alone.

New shoes!  For cheap, of course.

Love you all, and more to come later!
