Saturday, September 18, 2010

The roommate edition

Remember last year's roommate trials?  By the end of the year I'd gotten comfortable enough to come out of my shell every once in a while, and at least one of my roommates would make an effort to laugh when I joked.  Well, this year's roommates are completely different.  I moved in only a few weeks ago, and it already feels like I've known them my whole life.  I am never in my shell at the apartment, and I can talk with them about anything.  They even get my sense of humor!  Who knew that was so important?

There are two roommates whom I don't know very well - Sam and Glaucia.  Glaucia is 34 and is from Brazil.  She doesn't speak English very well, and doesn't seem interested in getting to know any of the rest of us (besides Sam).  I don't know what she's doing, what she's studying, or anything else about her.  I do know that she likes to cook and she gets lots of car insurance mail (apparently she doesn't have car insurance...?).  She is also excessively bothered by people leaving dishes out (which by the way I don't do.  I clean up every one of my dishes before I leave the kitchen.  My room is also pretty clean!).  Sam is a UVU student.  She works or is at UVU most of the time, so I don't really see a lot of her.  She seems pretty nice, and I love the dish set she brought.  She also decorated our front room, and it's really cute.  Except.  On the wall behind the couch, facing the door, are two pictures.  Black and white vintage pictures.  One is of Audrey Hepburn and one is Marilyn Monroe.  The Marilyn Monroe picture shows her leaning forward, practically falling out of her dress.  That ought to be comfortable when the home teachers come over...  the rest of us had decided to say something about it, and last night we finally did.  Phew.  The first night it was up, a guy from our ward came over and Kristin held a pillow over the exciting part of the picture so they wouldn't have to deal with it.  Yeah, awkward.

Speaking of Kristin... she is my room roommate.  She is entirely awesome.  Kristin is an English major who will be going on a mission in January :'(  I just found out last week.  She is happy and generous (although shy around other people), she has the same sense of humor as I do, and she gives amazing back massages.  And, as an extra added bonus?  She is a deep-sleeping night owl.  I usually go to bed and get up before her, but we're both fine with the arrangement.  She sleeps through my getting-ready noises and I sleep through her going-to-bed noises.  It's awesome.  We also both have a bad habit of pressing the snooze button, so I don't feel guilty when I don't wake up to my alarm for a few minutes.  We have so much fun together too.  The two of us, plus Megan and Stacey, the other two roommates, dominated this game, which asks you to name the top 200 Harry Potter characters.

Stacey lives in the room next to us with Megan.  She is wonderful too.  She's studying communications.  She's quieter than the other two, but really really nice.  She has an infectious laugh and she came to my basketball game last night with Kristin to support me.  She is really happy and easy-going, and she's the one who goes to ward activities with me.  She always tells the other two that it's important to go to church stuff, even if it's not on Sunday, and actually gets them to come sometimes :)  She is the pragmatic one in the apartment, and likes to laugh at our antics when she's watching us do something crazy.  She does her share of joining in, too, of course!

Megan is, as the other two are, funny and nice.  She loves to dance and has a great sense of style.  She is sometimes cynical and is the youngest beside me (she's only like 5 months older!).  She works at the library and is also the TA for a history of psychology class.  Her major is psychology.  She has two different-colored eyes and last night taught us all to point our feet out for dance.  It's hard!  She is quite opinionated but doesn't force her opinions on anybody.  I share most of her opinions anyways, so it works out well.  When Kristin brings home grammar/usage homework and asks us what we think of various rules to finish polls for her homework, Megan gets really involved.  She loves grammar.

That's a quick sketch of my roommates for you.  You'll just have to hear more about them as the year progresses!  Today I'm going to the BYU v. Florida state game, taking a Spanish test, and going shopping for groceries and clothes (blowing my first paycheck, which I got yesterday!  Yes!)
