Saturday, September 25, 2010

The flu

In spite of what you might think based upon that post title, I do not have the flu.  And hopefully I won't get it.  But, since there's a sick person in the apartment, I have been exposed and so I looked up some information on what diabetics have to do if they get the flu.  I am writing this down now so that the next time I am threatened with influenza, I will not have to google "stomach flu with diabetes" again.  Anyways, now that that's explained...

Things that a diabetic needs to do if she gets the stomach flu:

1. Keep on drinking.  Whether the drink is sugared or not depends on what your blood sugar is.  Unsugared beverages if the flu is one that increases stress hormones and blood sugar, and sugared drinks if it doesn't.  Because diabetics tend to lose fluid more easily due to fluctuating osmolarity of the blood, we need a buffer.  Even if it'll just get thrown up five minutes later, the American diabetes association recommends at least one cup of fluid every hour.
(My recommendations: diet sprite/ginger ale or G2 gatorade for unsugared beverages, and gatorade/sprite/ginger ale for sugared drinks.  NOT orange juice or other fruit juices, as they will significantly increase the acidity in your stomach and make your throat hurt.)

2. Keep on eating.  Same kind of blood chemistry thing but it also has to do with ketoacidosis.  See, ketoacidosis means that the pH of the blood will decrease, which can be deadly if it fluctuates by so much as .5 on the pH scale.  Insulin gets rid of ketones, but you go low and have seizures if you give yourself insulin without having sugar in your blood.  Even if you throw up, if you have a low blood sugar you need to keep on eating.  Not particularly pleasant, but...
(I recommend: jello, yogurt, toast if you can keep it down, chicken broth, etc.)

3. Check, check, check.  Blood sugar every 3-4 hours at LEAST.  If you have ketostix (I don't...), you need to check for ketones every time you urinate.  If you don't, check for ketones by watching for fruity breath, shortness of breath, and disorientation.  If any of those symptoms manifest, or the ketone level on ketostix is high, get to the ER immediately.

My personal recommendations for dealing with the flu, for everyone:
1. Don't get the flu.  This from the girl who has a phobia of throwing up.  Yeah, seriously something to avoid.
2. Sleep on the couch while you have the flu.  That way you can get up faster to bolt to the toilet.  Plus you don't have to have a ton of sheets hanging all over you.  (Note: Put a sheet  under you on the couch.  Please.)
3. As noted above, don't drink acidic juices, especially citrus juices.  It makes the whole experience more painful.
4. After throwing up, rinse your mouth out with a mixture of baking soda and water.  My dad taught me this one, and I just make up the ratios every time.  Something like a teaspoon per cup?  Whatever helps you out.  It helps to neutralize the acid remaining in your mouth and the top of your throat, making you feel better and protecting your teeth.
5. Saltines and Campbell's chicken noodle soup.  Period.
6. Get a good book - one that's easy to understand and has short words and an engaging plotline.  It will distract you and won't make you even sicker like the TV can sometimes do.
7. Be willing to accept whatever help other people offer.  They will really feel bad for you, and helping you out will make them feel less guilty for not being sick.  Not to mention that you'll probably need all the help you can get.
8. Keep a bowl or small garbage ban right next to your bedside (or couchside) for emergencies.  It is also helpful to keep one by the beds of each other person in the house, in case one of them comes down with the bug in the middle of the night.

I hope this was illuminating for everyone.  Maybe someone will google "diabetes + stomach flu" someday and come across this.  That would be awesome.



  1. Eliza, that is just lovely. Today I was going over my old picture books, and apparently, one of your favorite phrases when you were in first and second grade was, "OH, maaaannnn!" It is my belief that that still is your favorite phrases.

    <3 Tess

  2. Tess, I do believe that you're right. I use that phrase an awful lot. That's okay. It's great.

    I love you!!
