Thursday, September 3, 2009

Amazing first days of class

Hello, all. Sorry it's been so long... homework has taken its toll. I'll start on Sunday - we had "talks" by each of the members of our bishopric, then a relief society lesson by our "relief society specialist," who is the first counselor's wife, and then sunday school by our bishop. It was pretty cool, but the guy-girl ratio was way off. That night we cooked, napped, and went to ward prayer at 7.

Monday, school started. I was ten minutes late to my first class (weight training) because I got lost, and then five minutes late to chemistry because again, I got lost. No problems since then, though. I've already told you all about weight training, and I dropped chemistry, so here's an analysis of the other classes that I went to on Monday. My Book of Mormon teacher is Dr. Whitchurch, who is a white-haired, cheery older man who really likes to examine the historical context of the Book of Mormon, which is awesome. My calculus teacher is Erin Chamberlain, who's probably under 30, and does a very good job of shortening what the book says to make our notes clearer and more concise. My English teacher, Dr. Darin Gates, is, I found out yesterday, Bishop Richardson's cousin!!! Crazy. But anyway, he's really cool, and a very good teacher. So those were my Monday classes. When I was done with school Monday, I went to my apartment, then went to the Post office (which I found only by the American flag out front) to send some test strips to Julie. Then I went grocery shopping and got all kinds of good stuff like stuffing and fresh fruit and waffle mix. When I got home, I went to ward Home Evening, where we got assigned into family home evening groups. For the first time in my life, when we played ten fingers, I didn't win! I love Mormons. Anyway, after that I went to the library and studied until eleven. ugh. I wasn't even close to done, but whatever.

On Tuesday, I repeated Chemistry and Calculus, but I also had another class, that I didn't have on MW. That was philosophy! My teacher Professor Siebach is an older guy who's very funny and also a bit grouchy, but not in a bad way. One quote from his syllabus (which he called "my big fat greek syllabus" because we'll be studying lots of greek philosophers) says "Please do not cheat in this course. If you must sin, make certain that the pay-off is much greater than a grade in this class. Trade your soul at least for something grand, like the Bahamas, or a billion billion dollars". Pretty funny. Anyway, after class on Tuesday I studied, then came home and ate a baked potato with white sauce and steamed veggies, then studied some more, then went to bed!

Oh, I forgot - on Wednesday I decided to drop chemistry, which I did, and researched other options. Wednesday(yesterday) I got up early (sorry Shyler... she can't go back to sleep after the alarm goes off) and went to weight training. It was really cool. We are basically given objectives and then have to meet them on our own by the end of the semester. I worked hard, and I'm actually really surprised I'm not sore this morning. So after weight training I ran a mile and a half, then got cleaned up, went to the library to study, and went to class. I had book of mormon, in which we talked about Jerusalem 600 b.c., and then calculus, then English, and then International relations, which was really interesting. My professor's name is Valerie Hudson. The class has 180 people, which stinks, but I really liked the material. It was fun. Then, I came home, studied, cooked some food, looked up service opportunities, etc. At 8:15, I had a bishopric interview, because our bishopric wants to get to know us before giving out callings (but we'll get them in the next ten days). Then I went to my apartment and remembered I needed to pick up my workout stuff (which I'd left at the gym). So I walked down and then back, talking to you guys the entire way, which was great. However, it kind of freaked Amy and Shyler out, and I'm not allowed to walk across campus at night alone anymore. Their concern was sweet - they said next time I have to drive my car or walk with somebody else. Anyways, calculus starts in an hour, so I'd better go get ready... Love you lots,


P.S. Class at college is brain-expanding. It's so cool...


  1. Good to hear the details. I love the descriptions of the teachers. It's great to learn from great teachers. Yes, I'm with Amy and Shyler--be careful about night walks--grab a friend. Where are you studying? Are you incorporating enough protein in your diet? Do you have enough clean underwear? (Okay, that's enough of my Jewish mothering. . .just be good).

    Finally got the Ranger back and (hopefully working). It took me about 45 minutes to get the bolts off in order to remove seats. I've washed them down with baking soda water. Hopefully they'll dry. It's still stinky in the truck though. We'll have to see what some Febreeze can do. Got to get to work on dinner and scouting stuff, so I'm off. Love you lots. Mom

  2. I'm studying in the library mostly, a little bit in my dorm room (with the door closed). I don't know whether I'm getting enough protein in my diet, but I've eaten yogurt, eggs, a bagel, a ham sandwich, and granola bars in the past couple of days. Does that sound good? And yes, I have enough clean underwear. Love you, mom.

  3. I trust that you won't be late anymore? You've found all of your classes nicely? Book of Mormon studies, or whatever it is, sounds like seminary, except with homework, and not so early in the morning. I've discovered that being kicked in the face isn't as bad as I thought it would be, and Luke lost his water polo game. Just as badly as we did. We need you here to help eat all of the fruit Mom bought yesterday! We have like 4 bags of apples, 2 bags of pears, plums, peaches, watermelon, bananas, and Mangos...I have no idea how we're going to manage to eat all of it before it goes bad.

    Love Eliza's amazing sister,

  4. And what's with getting lost on the firs day of school. I walked all over campus with you showing you where everything was. We got to all your classes, and you got lost????? My feet may still be hurting from that venture. And you got lost????????????? Hope you can find you r way around by now! And by the way, where is the next installment on your blog. If you miss us, write us!
