Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I'm not having any luck slogging my way through my philosophy/english homework, so I decided to write to all of you! Well, I'll start on Monday morning. I got up at 7 to do homework, and I worked pretty much all day on math homework... I went to the gym with Ashley and Shyler though, so it worked out okay. That evening, after a salad for dinner (from our two gallon-sized bags of leftover salad) we went to FHE. We played a couple of really fun games and each had to share a joke while we introduced ourselves, again. It wasn't really like a REAL FHE, but it was a good activity.

Today, I got up, ate breakfast, got ready, did a little bit of homework, and then went to devotional in the Marriott Center. I was about 15 minutes early, so I got a seat on the floor, four rows away from the podium. It was pretty awesome. I saw Dr. Gong (My LSH teacher) who is the Assistant to President Samuelson, who spoke along with his wife. Their talks were good, but pretty standard, and a faculty member from the Department of Music sang a hymn, but it kind of sounded like she had a bunch of cottonballs down her throat. I guess that's opera for you :) Anyway... it was still pretty cool. I hustled on over to Calculus, and then I had three hours to study before Philosophy. During that time I studied in the library, then went to Student Employment Services. I've been looking online for jobs, and there's one that goes 8-12 Tuesday and Thursday mornings, which would be perfect for me. So I took the Basic Office Skills test, the spelling test, and the proofreading test. Not to brag, but I did pretty well. I got 100% on the spelling, got 100% accuracy on the typing as well as the alpha and numeric filing, and got 68 wpm on the typing. I wasn't that impressed with my performance on the Proofreading test, but the lady who gave me my results said that I had one of the highest scores she'd ever seen. Yay. Okay, end of the bragfest. Then I went to Philosophy, and came out feeling like I had a bruised brain. I came home, then did some homework, ate pasta, and did some laundry. Now I'm up attempting to write an essay that's due tomorrow. Awesome.

So, a rundown on life in the apartment: we've decided that we're sharing salad dressing, which is really the first concession we've had... I'm pretty much done with buying stuff, because I'm getting everything the apartment needs, because I'm responsible like that. Whatever. My roommates are rapidly discovering how absentminded I am - in things like losing my phone, returning to my room about five times for stuff before I actually get out the door, and accidentally leaving stuff on the kitchen table. I'm still doing pretty well, though. I often end up doing all of the dishes in the sink, which is annoying but oh well. I discovered that while I was gone on Saturday shopping and Kirsi and Amy cleaned the kitchen floor, which was their job, they went out and bought ANOTHER bottle of spray-on bathroom cleaner, used one of the dish sponges I'd bought, and "cleaned" the floor. Yeah. Anyway, people are different... Madi's been gone since Friday morning, off on a jaunt to Maryland, where she doesn't even live, because her dad had some frequent-flyer miles that they needed to use. It's been kind of a relief, because Ashley's a lot more open when she's not all tied up with Madi. Kirsi, Amy, and Shyler have also spent time with family. Kirsi was gone Sunday evening through Monday night at her house (she lives about 40 minutes away). Amy went out Saturday and Monday with her sister, and Shlyer had her brother over a couple of times, to help her with math homework and play the guitar. I was a little bit lonely, but I have homework for my family now! Oh joy!

I'll also tell you guys more about my professors. My calculus professor, Erin Chamberlain, only comes on MWF, and her TA Chelsea teaches/quizzes/reviews on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is a little bit weird, especially as it's not a typical college class, having only 40 students. Whatev. My Reasoning and Writing Professor, Darin Gates, who's Bishop Richardson's cousin, is funny, and has referred to Harry Potter to explain concepts at least five times. Dr. Siebach, my Philosophy professor, refers to Lord of the Rings. He's a bit grumpy, though, and doesn't like it when you aren't right... (Oh, I should note. My Freshman Academy, which consists of three classes, is called Philosophy through Writing. So my English class is actually Philosophy 150, Honors Reasoning and Writing. My "Philosophy" class is actually Civilization 201. It's a little weird) Moving on to other professors. Dr. Whitchurch for BOM seems pretty cool, but I've only had two classes with him, so I'll analyze him later. Same for my weights training instructor, whatever his name is. My Intro to International Politics professor teaches my only class that has many students - 180. Her name is Valerie Hudson, and she's a little eccentric, but very sharp, and she knows her stuff. I just wish my New York Times subscription would come to the right place. Anyway, that's my analysis on the professors so far.

What's happening in Soulsbyville? I heard about the slingshot incident, and I'm glad Levi didn't get thonked on the head. But how's everyday life? I am still very jealous of all the homemade food. I'm going to visit Kerry Waites sometime in the next week or two, and when she asked me what I wanted her to cook, I told her that anything with more than three or four ingredients would be great. By the way, mom, I would still like you to send me baklava for my birthday. As I told you, USPS has a great deal on flat rate boxes... Love you!



  1. Congrats on the office testing! Make sure you leave time for the top priorities. Did you make it to the pool yet?

    I hope you're surviving the day! It's fun to hear more details of your life. Roommates can be great, and they can be a challenge. Get used to doing the dishes and not having everything as you would like it to be. But in the meantime, I hope you learn from and enjoy them. Try serving them. It can be amazing! (And you are amazing Eliza). You do need to work on coming to an agreement on the "shared items" expenses.

    Next year is easier because you actually get to pick roommates, mostly. Be on the lookout for really sharp girls with whom you can bond!

    Good to hear details on professors. I did get the subtle hint about baklava. We'll see.

    Well, the Chicken Palace is cleaned out. Mountain Lion paw prints are wiped from the windows. I left the dusty ones on the black tar paper above the laying boxes. One brave soul (Mumbo) has already laid an egg. A Rhode Island Red is sitting trying to do the same, but is very nervous and upset whenever I enter the coop. And I've already set up the new "chickery" under the laying boxes--complete with chick starter and six new chicks. (Three Light Brahmas, one Danish Brown Leghorn, and two Barred Rock). That will make Levi a little happier about the events of the last twelve hours.

    Levi and Tess have picture day. Luke scored three of twelve goals (at least one was defined as "sweet" by JulieAnn) in his WP game last night. Maybe he won't be goalie next year after all. Both boys' teams won against Lincoln. However, both girls' teams got smeared. We don't have much offense. Marta is doing very well on defense though. She's a great hole-set. MLYS started for Tess last night. We've got about three places we need to be tonight. Same happens the rest of the week. I hope Marta can hang in there. She has Bach Festival practice after school tomorrow, then WP practice, then night band practice. Friday morning she heads to a tournament in Modesto, returning in time for a football game, then off again Saturday morning to the tournament. We'll pick her up from there to head to Visalia (Dad is ordaining Matt Murphy to be a High Priest), and have to turn around before noon on Sunday to make it back to the Bach Festival auditions by 3, which will be followed by TCA awards night. Phew!

    Oh, and Levi scored the first goal at his first game a week and a half ago. He was so proud!

    Alright, I'm headed for a short nap, given my activities of last night. Please, please, please get on a regular schedule so you can stay healthy and do your best!

    Love, Mom

    P.S. We'll be having chicken ceasar salad tonight--just so you know you're in good company on the salad front. And no, it's not fresh chicken. We had to do in three injured chickens (for a total of six), but I just wasn't quite up to eating them. Perhaps I should reconsider the chicken menu tonight. . .

  2. Eliza,
    I finished The Hobbit! What is the first book in The Lord of the Rings series? I've figured out why Marta liked Mrs. Hennessy. I think it is because she is not afraid to point out that she doesn't like something somebody really obnoxious is doing. She is the first teacher I've had that will do that!
    I can't wait for Christmas so you can be here! I love you and miss you!


    P.S. I told Levi to leave the stuff in your room where it was, but of course, no. So, now Marta and I have the temple mirror in our room.

  3. Tess, the first book is the Fellowship of the Ring. It's on my bookshelf. The second one is The Twin Towers, which Luke lost. I saw a replacement for 50 cents at DI here in Provo and I have it, but it's not home yet, so you'll have to check it out from the library. I'm glad you're reading them - they're so fun, aren't they? I love you!


  4. Eliza, I'm sorry this is sorta, out of date, but I haven't been able to read since...forever ago. It's great to hear that classes are going sorta well, but it makes me really sad that you are all alone a lot. I wish your room mates would be better friends. Water Polo is great, but I've decided that Julianne, will never fully understand it.
