Monday, September 14, 2009

More fun stuff in the homework department....

When you last heard from me it was Saturday - and in spite of my request, no one except for Mom has left any comments! I don't just want to talk about me, you know. I miss you guys! So tell me what's going on!

Anyway, Saturday after my hike to the Y, I dropped some cookies off at Kelsey's house, as a thank you for the flowers (which look lovely in my room, by the way). Then I walked over to the Wilkinson Center and got a "Starving Student card" which has all kinds of free/reduced stuff on it, and has a guarantee that if you save less by buying the card than you paid for it, they'll refund all of your money. I think it's a really good deal, though, so.... After that, Heidi, Sarah, and I went over to the Smith Field House to watch the football game. BYU KILLED Tulane. The ending score was 54-3. It was pretty fun, especially because whenever bad commercials would come up on the TV (We were watching the game on ESPN), the entire crowd would boo. It was funny. I love Mormons. Then I came home and "did some homework" aka goofed off and generally wasted time, which I now deeply regret. I did get a little bit of homework done, but not enough to really count it as productive time. At 10, I went to watch Monty Python in the International Cinema (which is free!). I went with Heidi, Preston (who I met at the Honors Opening Social on Wednesday and who is my roommate Amy's friend from Las Vegas) and some other people who I'd never met before. It was kind of weird, because Preston asked Heidi to come, and she wasn't sure whether it was a date or not, but I came alone and it was all right... Whatever. So he made raspberry chocolate-zucchini cupcakes. It made me so happy! I miss zucchini bread :( Anyway, the movie was a lot dumber than I remember it being, probably because the only other time I saw it I was 13 and it was 3 in the morning. But it was funny making fun of the movie. So I finally got to bed in the wee hours of Sunday morning.

At 10:55 that morning, I had an interview to get my calling. I'm now on the Relief Society Compassionate Service Committee. I have no idea what that means, so anybody who knows, please feel free to tell me in the comments. But it'll be great, I'm sure. Church was cool because so many people got callings, and we got to know the people around us a little bit better. After church I went to a Hall Council meeting. We're planning on having an opening social for the girls in our hall, and the theme will be "A Very Merry Unbirthday." It should be very fun. Then I came back to my apartment, and we had a "group" dinner. Shyler went out and got the stuff that Madi and Ashley needed to make the food, we all had to pay a ton of money for it, and then everyone sat in front of the TV and I had to request that we turn it off to say prayer. Ah well. I guess that's an improvement... It was delicious, though. After that, we watched Sister Elaine S. Dalton give a devotional. Amy and Kirsi went down to the Marriott Center to see it, but I stayed in the apartment and watched it on BYU TV because I was too cold. You know me. I wore sweats under my dress so I could stay warm and still be dressed for Ward Prayer at 8. So, after the devotional and ward prayer, which my FHE group was in charge of, and in which we had to introduce ourselves and tell what food we would eat for a month, (I would have chosen toast, but someone else took it, so I had to say popcorn), I came home and changed into my sweats for real. Then Heidi and I went over and fed stale bread to the ducks on the little creek right next to Heritage Halls. When I got back, Amy, Kirsi, and I went to tunnel singing (I wanted to go to sleep, but I felt guilty for being out all day...). Basically tunnel singing is where you go stand in a tunnel by the Marriott Center, with great acoustics, and sing hymns for an hour. It was really cool, and we got some guys in our group too. Afterwards, someone expressed a desire for hot chocolate, and so we invited everyone over to our apartment to join in making a dent on our monstrous hot chocolate stash. We went up on the top floor's balcony and drank hot chocolate, and talked until midnight. It was fun, but we were SOO tired.

This morning, I got up and went to Weight Training, where I decided that I'm really not in good shape, and I'm not cut out for pushups or pullups. Oh well. It was fun, though. Then I went running for a few minutes -I only did a mile, but that's better than nothing, right? I went home and attempted to do some homework, then had to rush to class. I had BOM, Calculus, English, and Politics today, all in a row. After class, I went to the library to work on some math homework and nearly killed myself trying to figure it out. Finally I emailed my professor and with her help I got it done in about five minutes. Oh well. I stayed in there until about 8:15, when I finally braved the cold and rain (it was 55 degrees! I nearly froze!) and went to the apartment. I ate, and then did some more homework. So here I am.

Now, on to people analyses. These are the interesting parts of the blog. I'll start off with Heidi, because I haven't really told you very much about her. We were in the same class in Late Summer Honors, and we both live in Gates Hall, which is how we became friends. She's from Collegeville, Texas, and she is extremely nice, smart, and funny. You would like her, all of you. We pretty much hang out all the time, and we've decided that if one of us is having a bad day, then we can go to one of the apartments and make brownies. She's the one, along with her roommate Sarah, who I don't know as well but who is part of the group most of the time, who went driving around campus honking the horn and banging pots and pans with me when BYU beat Oklahoma. Since we've both been ultimately unsuccessful in finding jobs, we have decided to look for scholarships together for several hours a week in hope of getting some extra money. Now, on to the roommates. (Dun-dun-dun.....) Shyler was very traumatized when Tyler left last night, and is still trying to get over it. From what I can see, she's very funny, but pretty stubborn. Her side of the room may even be messier than mine... Our sleeping habits are kind of off, though - she can't get to sleep with a light on, and she wakes up to the littlest alarm, and can't go back to sleep. This is of course the opposite of the way I sleep. And I get up earlier than everyone else most days (surprise, surprise!) so that's been a little bit of a problem, but we're working on it. She likes to stay in our room and watch NCIS while doing homework. She hangs out mostly with Madi and Ashley. Madi is the one I've told you about who brought all of the stuff to our apartment. She is a little bit conceited but again, very funny and quite nice when she wants to be. The boy who she liked, and who was a lame layabout, (he always hung out at our apartment, ate Madi's food, and watched TV for hours on end) has now told her that he kind of has a girlfriend, but she was pretty much over him anyways because he was such a lazy mooch. Anyway... her roommate is Ashley, who's sweet, motherly, and doesn't like Ryan (the guy who Madi liked) at all, kind of like me :) She likes to cook, and she spends a lot of time video-chatting with her mom. Of all my roommates I hang out the most with Amy. She's very considerate and nice, and we share similar viewpoints on a lot of issues (such as TV on Sundays). She is from Las Vegas, and doesn't like how the water tastes here. I found out tonight that she only has tomato soup when she's not feeling well. Her roommate, Kirsi, is also very nice, but she's a dancer, so she's often away at rehearsal. Kirsi has an infectious laugh and likes to have fun. She knows more people on campus than anybody else I know, probably in part because most of her graduating class came to BYU. Anyway, that's my people analysis for today. The rooming situation has been a challenge, and something new to get used to, but we're doing pretty well, all things considered. The fact that Shyler's boyfriend brought a minifridge out for her, and she puts all of her stuff in there now, has even helped that a little!

So, let me know what's going on at home! And if you really want to, you can totally ship me dinner overnight every night. I'd be okay with that. I love you!



  1. ;) Gotta run pick up Luke and Marta. Dad's at City Council. Tess and Levi, I'm hoping to get to bed. Will comment on your blog later. Lover reading it. Check your email for my current dilemma! <3 Mom

  2. Sounds like you've got some friends in your apartment, but I still think that maybe their forgetting about you is rude. Oh well, I already like Heidi and I have this strange feeling that you guys might be friends for a really long time. So did you get that job that you mentioned with the good work hours? That would be great for you. It sounds like your spending a lot of time partying and not enough studying, but I guess that's your problem. Info. on home... let's see. You heard about the mountain lion in the chicken coup, did you know that Ms. Nixon is trying to kill me? And in a torturous manner too, I think she's trying to draw out the death sentence as long as humanly possible! Lodi beat us really badly tonight (away game) but the boys went in to over time, and both frosh/soph and varsity won. Skyler Toll dislocated her shoulder though, ouch. Mom now has not only one, but three toasters ( one from Grandma and Aunt Margerie, one she wants to return because she didn't like it, and one she just ordered without knowing about grandma's !) I've officially decided that sleep is over rated. I really miss having a big sister around and can't wait until Christmas when you come home! Oh, and at the game tonight, there was an ice cream truck! Yay!

    Love Eliza's Amazing Sister:

  3. Eliza,

    I think I am starting to like Heidi. I don't have much to say otherwise. I <3 U!!!

    Love Eliza's other amazing sister,

  4. ELIZA! miss you SO much!
    want to see some pictures of your dorm room! pretty please?

