Sunday, October 17, 2010

All right, already

I know I haven't posted in a while.  It's been a CRAZY week.  I've had tests, papers, and a lot of reading and homework.  Also, the first midterm for PlSc 170 was this week, so I've been a grading maniac.  I still have to talk about birthday parties, pictures, running, food, water polo (!), and the lost and found sale.  But it's late, so here's the most exciting news from this week:

Kristin got her mission call.....

to Kyiv, UKRAINE!!!

I am very sad that she's going to leave me, but I'm very excited for her.  It's going to be so awesome!  A guy from our ward who went on his mission to Ukraine came over to talk to her, and he mentioned that he really misses Ukrainian food.  When he gave a list of a few Ukrainian foods, he mentioned borscht.  I told him I would make borscht and invite him over, because it's my favorite.  So Mom, would you please email me the recipe?  Pretty please?  Kristin hates beets, but I'm sure we can convert her with this recipe.



  1. Yay Kristin! When does she leave?

    I'll get the borscht recipe headed your way before long. Remind Kristin that it's mostly beet colored--there's not actually much beet in it. . .

    <3 Mom

  2. Eliza, I loved reading your blog and am so tickled for your roommate who is going to Ukraine. Did you see the temple dedication info between sessions of conference? My former mission president was there as well as my good friends, the Andersons, who are serving as administrative assistants to the East Europe Area Presidency (one of whom President Lawrence is--interesting sentence, no?) Good to talk to you yesterday. It looks like I will be in California, not Utah, for Thanksgiving. Know you'll have a great experience at Geniel's though. Now just let me know if this comes through, and if so, I can be in contact with you more often. Love, G.
