Monday, August 16, 2010

New background

Yes, yes I did just change the entire background of my blog to match avocados.  Proof of my continued love affair with them, I suppose...

So, as I can't seem to manage to write often enough to make separate posts about everything I do, I will commence another blog post about anything and everything.

Thought #1: I finished another book on my list: The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis.  This book is a collection of letters from a senior demon to his younger nephew, who is out in the field trying to tempt a young man toward hell.  Uncle Screwtape explains to Wormwood some facts about human nature and motivation that are very illuminating to those trying not to be tempted.  He covers such diverse topics as humility, beauty, God's love (which he insists must not exist, but must be a cover for some hidden secret), marriage, annoying habits, and church attendance.  I really loved this book.  When I have my own house, this book will be on the shelf, and it will be frequently read.  I found it very interesting how C.S. Lewis used logic to explain facts that are eternally true.  As it says in my favorite hymn, "Truth is reason."  I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Thought #2: Mom's back!  Well, actually she got back a week and a half ago, but I'm STILL excited to have her home again.

Thought #3: Food, as usual...

Last Sunday, we were supposed to leave for a camping trip after church.  Unfortunately, Mom contracted the flu and we had to stay home.  However, I took the opportunity to make a delish dinner (which unfortunately she didn't get to enjoy).
Tomato, basil, parmesan cheese, balsamic dressing, and salt/pepper.  I felt like such a creative genius.  We won't mention how common this combination actually is :)

Corn and sauteed zucchini plus ribs from a family recipe.  Oh, did I mention that in the past two weeks we've added 1/2 a pig and 1/4 of a cow to our freezer(s)?  I'm so sad I won't be here to help eat most of it.

I've also recently made pizza, homemade pasta (hard work with my little old-fashioned pasta machine), and bran muffins.  Oh, and Sierra nuggets, which are these amazing cookies (my dad's favorites - and mine too!) that we make for camping.  They have everything in them - chocolate chips, oatmeal, spices, walnuts, coconut, and cornflakes.  I could eat them all day.

Thought #4: Today was my Mom's birthday.  She was 29!  Again!  This morning we made her an omelet in bed, served with toast, lime-peach water, and fresh plums.  I worked all morning to get dinner ready, and then as soon as I got back from Single's Ward in Modesto Luke and Dad helped me to finish it up.  We had tomato and corn pie, which I thought was delicious and which even got the rare, sought-after Luke Seal of Approval and Permission to Recreate.  We also had steak (fresh from the cow!) with summer fruit relish, from Mom's recipe box.  We had cauliflower salad (I would post the recipe, but it wasn't good.  Bummer.) and baked potatoes.  But dessert was the truly spectacular part.  Here's the sitch:
     1) double chocolate layer cake (substituting hot chocolate for the coffee)
          2) with German chocolate filling
               3) and chocolate ganache frosting (from the first recipe)
                    4) decorated with white chocolate ganache, also adapted from the double chocolate layer cake
Oops, gave it away in spite of my best intentions...

Do you like the expert frosting job?  I like this picture anyways, because it reminds me of the angle a food blogger would use.  Not that I read enough food blogs to know that :P

There was too much cake for the layers to stay up, so I used one layer to decorate with the leftover white chocolate ganache.  

Three lovely ladies.  Happy birthday Mom!!

Thought #5: Although we didn't get to make the big camping/backpacking trip this week, Marta, Dad, and I went camping on Sunday night and climbed to Cloud's Rest in Yosemite on Monday.  It was beautiful, and I had such a fun time being with them.

Who knew that my camera picks up light that moves around when it's on night mode?  That crazy beam of light is from the movement of Marta's head lamp. 

This same sticker was on the inside of my locker, Sophomore year.  I really want to know who put it there and how they got it.

You may not be able to see it, but this is a picture of the tire tracks our campsite neighbor left when running into the "leaping lodgepole" while backing out of camp on Monday morning.

Does this need any explanation?  I think not.  My dad is cooler than your dad.  Deal with it.

Aw.  Marta and I at the trailhead.


See that lake in the center of the picture?  That's where we'd hiked from - and this picture wasn't even at the top!

Yes, we were looking down on half dome.  And we weren't surrounded by an endless rush of people, either.

We saw a mountain grouse - and her babies!  We were all very excited.

Marta, lying dead on the trail after 15 miles of hiking.

Thought #6: On Wednesday, we loaded up the van and headed back to Yosemite, with the entire family this time.  We rafted down the Merced river (minus Dad, who had gotten the flu from Mom).

Luke, blowing up one of our rafts.  I just think that this picture is hysterical.

All of us getting ready to launch.  We may or may not have forgotten to bring waterproof sunscreen... but no biggie, right?

Thought #7: In the past few weeks, my family has become addicted to A Very Potter Musical.  Only the first few parts are very funny, but there are some epically quotable lines.  ("Rumbleroar is a lion.  Who can talk." -Draco Malfoy; "You like plotting a garden, and I like plotting to kill!" - Voldemort, to Quirrell, singing).  Be aware though - it is college humor.  

Thought #8: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to Chile on my mission.  That would be amazing :)

Thought #9: I've started to read a few craft blogs (not that I have extra time on my hands, but when the blogs I already read link to an amazing new blog, things kind of get out of hand).  I will probably never do anything on any of them, but here are my favorites -, especially this project, and, especially these projects.

Thought #10: Pictures of dishes, tonight in the kitchen...

 My soap goatee.  I was going for the soul patch, but wikipedia says that to be a soul patch it needs to cover the area just below my lower lip, not my chin. 

 Luke with a mustache: he could totally rock it.  I'm pushing for him to grow out his facial hair now - as soon as he goes to BYU he'll be prohibited by the honor code from growing his facial hair out (other than a mustache).  Plus, Luke has awesome red facial hair.  (The last guy even wears Luke's favorite kind of sunglasses!  Awesome!)

Tess cracks me up.  I'm sure you can see why.

The two of them together?  Hilarious.

Well, it's almost 1 am, so I'm going to bed.  Good night!


P.S. Next time I'll make a post like this into many different parts and post them on different days.  I know I make REALLY long posts, and you probably don't have time to read them all at the same time....

P.P.S.  I can't believe I forgot to post this!  I made this dress back in April when my Grandma came to visit, and I finally wore it in July (after I'd made a few adjustments).  
Here it is, belatedly:


  1. You have many interesting thoughts my dear! Your creations and records of them are amazing. Thanks for the amazing birthday dinner and cake and presents. I can't believe your Freshman summer is almost over. It will be hard to adjust back to not having you here. Hmmmmm. . . couldn't we just move BYU to here? No, there's no way you'd not be too distracted to do school.

    I may have to do "Screwtape Letters." I've read parts, but not the whole thing.

    <3 you, Mom

  2. Love the dress! And I agree with your point #8 (or whatever it was) Chile is a wonderful country. Too bad you can't pick. You'll probably be sent to the coldest part of Russia... ha ha. But that's like 2 years away right?

    Is that Tess? Hi Tess! Tell her I'm working on the YW PP program just for fun. :)

    Love you guys. And yes, your dad is awesome. Happy 29th, momma! We're the same age! ;)

  3. Eliza, you embarrass me so much...! You forgot to mention the pain we felt on Thursday after a full day of shopping...or maybe that's because you don't want to admit that you are feeling that much pain. Oh well...

    <3 Tess
