Monday, December 6, 2010

Last week of school

The only problem is the mountain of studying/homework/prep I still have to do.  And my inability to get things done on time.

Ah, well.  Yesterday I went grocery shopping and got lots of exotic things: beets, turnips, and cabbage (all for borscht!), fuyu persimmons (the eating kind, not the baking kind), and eggplant (4 of them, and I've already used 3 on baba ghanoush; the last I'm saving for baigan bharta).  Yum......

Also, check this out:

I feel like such a popular cousin.  Can you guess which option I chose?



  1. BTW I picked the last option too... because if they go to Shaver again... I am not going (period) and who would want to go to a family reunion without you anyway??? I think we should email the llama and see what the survey results were...

  2. Lucky Duck should recognize that family reunions are not about the place, but about the people. Hope he makes it wherever it is, and hope you make it too!
