Friday, July 30, 2010

Lovely lists

1. This morning, Dad and I got up at 6 to go play tennis.  When we got home, this is what I did:

Pretty fabulous, huh?  We also have upcoming peaches, iceberg lettuce, bell peppers, eggplant, strawberries, and broccoli.  Yum.

2. And this was a link in one of the blogs I read; it was very thought-provoking.  I like it.  Sometimes we need to remember that there is nothing shameful about what we are.

3. I finished Three Cups of Tea last night.  Good book.  It kind of made me want to up and move to Afghanistan to teach children.  Also, I've decided that that reading list is going to be a lifelong summer reading list.  There's no way I'm getting through even a quarter of it this summer.

4.What do you think of this?

5. I really miss my mom.  I never get to talk to her (email me your schedule so I can call you, woman!)  and I am having a hard time filling her shoes at home.  I don't know how working mothers get everything done.

6. I'm working on making a bag right now.  It will be kind of like this bag, but bigger.  The stripes are MUCH smaller, and the bow will be plain black.  I'll post a picture as soon as I have one.

7. For dinner yesterday I made a potato and artichoke tortilla, which was good but less flavorful than I'd hoped it would be.  Last Saturday I made black bean burgers with cilantro-lime mayo and fish and garbanzo bean burgers  for Dad and I.  This week I also made some oatmeal cookie pancakes, which was deemed a keeper recipe by the sibs.  Tonight I made pumpkin peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin muffins (dubbed puffkin muffkins by my siblings, who knows why...).  They would have been better with freshly-opened canned pumpkin, but we needed to use up some frozen pumpkin.  Oh well.  Next time I think I'm going to try a different method of incorporating pumpkin and peanut butter, though.  These cookies weren't that good, regardless of whether or not the pumpkin was fresh.  Tonight I also made some AMAZING eggplant pasta sauce and ate all of it - three Japanese eggplants worth.  It was delicious.  And so worth it.  I'm so full right now.  And I'd rather not talk about what my blood sugar is...  I'll probably post other recipes as I think of them.  I don't want to turn this into a cooking blog, but I think cooking is so fun and I think it's a great idea to have any recipes you make peer-reviewed, as it were, by someone who's not an official food blogger or cookbook writer.  

8. I'm going to bed now.  Good night!



  1. 1. Loved the pic of the garden harvest--and the platter as well.
    2. Blog was interesting--I guess not a particularly novel thought for me.
    3. Thumbs down on the dress. Not worth your time. You should wear the one you made already.
    4. We did talk tonight - - Yay! I'm around before 1:30p.m. your time and after 10:30.
    5. Glad you miss me. I miss you too.
    6. Cute bag. I'll look forward to seeing the finished product.
    7. I want some eggplant pasta sauce.

    <3 Mom

  2. Love how the produce is arranged on your tennis racket cover. :) Where is your momma???
