Thursday, March 18, 2010

Workout clothes

So this morning I went to bed at 3:30 (paper-writing) and got up at 6:30 to the first alarm. It was crazy - a minor miracle. I went to class, where the TA didn't show and so I went do a different section of Chem 105 to do the worksheet. I am such a good student. Then I went to the gym, read political science on the elliptical, and went to basketball!

Highlights of basketball: stealing the ball from the 6'7" guy on the other team just as he was scooping it up to take the shot, making a shot from outside the key, past the free-throw line, and... well, that was pretty much it, but it was awesome. Unfortunately, we lost, but that's okay too.

After basketball I headed home to work on the paper. Learned to caramelize almonds, and they are addictive. Worked on the paper til 4:50 (it had to be turned in on-campus by 5 in order to get the minimal deduction, as it was actually due yesterday) and then threw back on my running shoes and sprinted to campus.

When I got back, I started working on cleaning checks. I really love cleaning checks. Thanks mom for teaching me to clean efficiently and effectively. I can get my work done in an hour to an hour-and-a-half compared to some girls in our building who take up to 5 hours. (And don't worry that my cleaning is sub-par. Today my RA Stephanie told me that the couch I'd vacuumed was one of the cleanest she'd ever checked.) I worked on that, throwing in some dinner of leftover corned beef and cabbage and a thirsty Thursday party at the room next door, and then had the cleaning check. But right before my RA arrived I got a new PR: my blood sugar was 30. Whoo hoo! Not really, but it gave me a great excuse to un-freeze a piece of zucchini bread :)

Oh, and exciting news for tomorrow: I'm going to VEGAS!!! Amy, Kirsi, and I are leaving at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon, and we're coming back Sunday night. It is so exciting!! Now I just have to go a) write the paper that is due on Monday, b) study for the test that's Monday-Wednesday, c) do a bunch of assignments that are due at midnight, and d) dance.

I don't know why I need to dance, but I just do. Maybe because the windows are open and it's rainy but warm outside...



  1. You ARE crazy my dear. Have a lovely Vegas time. Hope you get some sleep. Scary to be at 30--did it take long to pull it back up?

    <3 Mom

    P.S. You need an excuse to unfreeze some zucchini bread?

  2. I AM crazy. Sleep would be good but is optional nowadays. And it pulled up really fast, actually - and then continued to pull up, and up, and up.... oh well. No, I didn't NEED an excuse to unfreeze some zucchini bread, I just felt better about my consumption that way. And just for the record, it was delicious and I love zucchini bread. Also, pumpkin muffins. :D
