Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crazy amazing

Hi, guys! Sorry it's been so long; life is crazy. Last week all kinds of things happened...

Monday I made pumpkin soup!! It made me super-happy. The rest of the day I pretty much just studied. I also signed up for classes that night, which I'm sure you already know having read the comments on my last blog.

Tuesday, missionary week for Heritage Halls started. We had to wear missionary clothes and go by missionary schedules. (or at least try to)... I had lunch (for freshman academy) with Dr. Gates, my english professor, and Dan, the peer mentor guy for freshman academy. They were quite impressed by my pumpkin-soup-making ability. That night I went to a zone conference for Heritage, but it was mostly about how to sign up for deferral (for the guys) so that was pretty irrelevant. Oh well. It was fun :)

Well... Wednesday was exciting, because I went to the grocery store and got some ginger. I made pumpkin spice muffins with the leftover pumpkin from my soup, and gave some of them to the girls I'm assigned to for my compassionate service calling. Thursday I dropped off the last pumpkin muffin at the testing center, with a note, for a girl on my floor who had a bunch of tests that week. Then I went to our missionary break-the-fast because we'd been fasting all day. We ate sloppy joes and funeral potatoes and then I had to run to go to the Utah Symphony concert, where I was going to meet some members of my philosophy class, because our professor had bought tickets for us. The symphony played Brahm's 10th, which was very amazing. I laughed because halfway through the concert I saw the oboist cleaning out his oboe. It was fun. Then I went home and... wait for it..... studied! So great.

Friday was pretty good, although I felt very unproductive all day. I wrote my annotated bibliography for English at about 9 (it was due at midnight) and did laundry. Great stuff.

I will tell you about Saturday through Tuesday tomorrow! But now I have to write an essay and go to bed! Love you all lots,


  1. P.S. I love the clock on this blog. It doesn't work AT ALL! <3 Eliza!

  2. Okay, a comment! Glad to hear studying is a major part of life. . .even if it's not surprising! Saw Mr. Hansen tonight and he said you were one of his very favorite people, as asked how you were doing. I told him (and Mrs. Skutches) about you in the BYU book store. They laughed.

    Just returned from the SHS v. Oakdale game. It was cold, and pretty ugly by the 3rd quarter. But Mr. McCoy was happy there were 8000 people there! We'll take Oakdale money anytime. . .not sure getting beat was part of the deal.

    Anyway, Mrs. Skutches gave us a ride to Dad's car at the Fitness Center, so Levi and Tess and I are home trying to thaw out and clear the laundry room for the onslaught of high schoolers' laundry tomorrow. I have a feeling though that the house will be preetty quiet for a chunk of the a.m.

    I'm heading out around 7:30 to go to a Stake R.S. event. Tess has Saturday school. Levi will be up, as usual, eating cereal at around 7. And Dad will say he's going to swim. He usually does it too. We'll see.

    Well, it sounds as if the fire starting process may need my help tonight. Tess and Levi want to sleep by the fire. I want to sleep in my bed. But it'll be nice to have a fire blazing when Dad and Luke and Marta get home. So I'm going to sign off.

    Give me a call if you have any great ideas for Christmas presents tomorrow. I'm going to do a little shopping (I'm going with Sis. Spangler, and she's an amazing shopper) while I'm in the valley.

    Love you! And have a good Saturday!

