Friday, October 9, 2009

More pictures

Hey guys, I'm really tired so I'll write a summary of the past week tomorrow, but here are some pictures!

This is that Ihop adventure I told you about. At the moment this picture was taken, it was probably between 1 and 1:30 am. Madi is on the left and Kirsi is on the right.
Here's Ashley, Madi, and Kirsi.

This is me and Amy. Amy is probably my favorite roommate, and she is amazing.

Speaking of amazing Amy, she and Kirsi did the setup for my birthday. The papers on the wall say Happy Birthday Eliza and I now have the "Eliza" hanging on my wall in my bedroom. The pumpkins are from Kirsi's family - we also have a row of little pumpkins along our entrance.

Here's me with the decorations. I love my apron :)

This is the room viewed from the other direction. You can't see them very well, but the streamers were hung beautifully. And the balloons - well, later in the night, we all tried sucking helium to make high voices. Only Shyler, Amy, and Madi could do it...

This is my bedroom door, festooned with streamers. Unfortunately, Shyler didn't like them so when I went to bed that evening she'd ripped them down and thrown them on my bed. Oh well.
My birthday party with my roommates was very fun, though. We decorated cupcakes into owls as per the directions that mom gave me. The junior mints that make the eyes had kind of melted and reconstituted in the trunk of my car, so we didn't eat them, but they made cute decorations. The skittles lasted just fine, though. I also discovered that after 24 hours, the oreos get softer and are delicious. The cupcakes were fantastic, and a hit. Thanks, mom!

Amy and I orchestrated this. The owl was hungry, and I guess that mouse just got too close....

Those are the only birthday pictures I have, sorry... This is me the week before my birthday holding up my Smith's card. I've discovered that coupon shopping is very fun and can save you a lot of money! I'm learning which stores have the cheapest things - Buy Low has the best prices on produce, Macey's has the cheapest eggs and cheese, Smith's milk is the cheapest, and so on. It's quite exciting.

Marta requested pictures of the bathroom, so here they are. When you enter the bathroom, the tub-shower is on the right, and we have a cute striped curtain.

I put my stuff in the medicine cabinet on the far right. Don't ask me why nobody else uses it, because I don't know. I do like the extra space though.

The vanity/mirror set is directly ahead of you when you enter the bathroom. This area gets quite congested some mornings, especially Sundays.

Here's the towel rack wher I hang my towel and washcloth. It's on the same wall as the door is, on the left.

This is the left side of the bathroom. Our upright shower is rarely used - only me and one other girl (I don't know which one, b/c we don't shower at the same time) use this shower. You can't see it in this picutre, but we have a blue shower curtain and rod in front of the toilet, which we put there for privacy.

I got this poster at the poster sale in the bookstore. It was the only John Muir picture they had. The quote blow reads: "Sentinel. This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls." John Muir
Anyway, I like it.

Here's what I did with my wall after the last set of pictures. It's not quite current, but pretty close. On the strip of tackboard above my bed I pinned a length of green ribbon to add some color. I hung my pictures using thread attached to the tackboard. It's beautiful :)

I love you guys!



  1. Thanks for the pictures and details. Sounds like your roommates did a bang-up job on celebrating your birthday. Tell them I love them. Hope you're feeling better. I was going to call this a.m., but thought you might be trying to rest.

    We're headed out to. . .move rocks this a.m. Don't you wish you were here. Had a fun night with Levi and Tess last night while Luke and Marta were at band in Ceres. Today--BD parties for Connor Spangler and Ruby Personius and Julie Eich, and soccer game--but a full day's work moving rocks too!

    Love you! Mom

  2. P.S. I like the wall above your bed--though I think the poster is a little depressing. Is it affecting Shyler? Better get my lesson ready this a.m.!

  3. Eliza,
    Was Shyler angry when she tore down the streamers, or did she just not want to clean up after it? I cannot wait until I talk to you again! Who took the pictures at the restaurant? Anyways, Dad wants to read this, so... I <3 U!!!

    Love, Tess

  4. I'm glad you had such a fun time for your birthday. I think that your mom misses you more than she will let on. She really misses you in the kitchen at cooking and clean up time. Seems that with everything that Marta and Luke have going on (trying to keep up with Eliza) they don't have much time for cooking or cleanup so mom get's a big frustrated. So since today is a holiday, she decided to sleep in....I got up and got L&M off to seminary...

    By the way, You are fortunate indeed to have such good room mates. Don't expect perfection from the group unless you intend to be perfect, but overall it looks like you did ok. Life is going to be that way you know, everyone is just a few degrees different and then you discover someone who is 180 degrees out of phase, but a lot of people you will find are within 5-10 degrees so enjoy the close ones and tolerate the distant ones with the best Christ like love that you can muster.

    I like your poster. To me the appreciation of beauty and nature is more about attitude and being there to appreciate the diversity that nature provides. Kind of like the good and evil thing. Seeing the evil helps you really appreciate the good, just like spending a day in sweltering heat helps you appreciate the cool summer shower. Knowing and understanding that change is a perpetual part of normal life is a blessing. After all, if everyday were a perfect day, than perfect would just be average, and after awhile flat out tedious. Oh well now you see why I don't get up early with no specific plan. I would spend all my time philosophizing about things I can't even spell. So live life to the fullest, and remember to try to do one act of random kindness each day. It will make you a happier and better person and bless the recipient as well.


