Saturday, May 29, 2010

Garage sale!

A week ago, I went garage-saling. (Yes, that is totally a verb.) Mom, Marta, and I all hopped in the old Ford Bronco (so that we wouldn't look too high-class and people would thus, theoretically, give us better bargains) and drove off into the wild blue yonder. We hit all of Soulsbyville and one estate sale in Twain Harte. Here are the goods (note, these are just mine; the post would be REALLY long if I put everybody's stuff!):

Food scale: $2

Mini crockpot: 50 cents

Darling baby dresses for a friend: $5

My very own springform pan! $1

Levi writing on the board: priceless

My Altoids tin full of coins that I carried around to show the garage sale people that I meant BUSINESS on bargains.

Books: I gave Levi some late birthday presents and got two books of my own.

Awesome metal bowls: package deal, so I'm not really sure how much they were, but they were cheap! And wonderful!

Red belt: also part of the deal

Pastry maker (you put the dough in, add filling, and then fold it over to close the sides): 50 cents
Tiny funnel: free!

Cute 3-bowl set (the other two are stacked inside) with lids: also part of the deal

Rice sock to keep me warm: 50 cents

Heating pad for my bread: $1

And finally, the coup de gras, what you've all been waiting for......

THE BIKE!!! It's an old-fashioned cruiser in mint condition. I got it as part of a package deal with the things above, for $25. I'm so excited to take it back to school next year!
It even has a rearview mirror!

Now if I can just get somebody to go bike-riding with me....



  1. Awesome finds. LOVE the cruiser. LOVE it! You will be so cool at school on that baby. It needs a name!

    I love finding great things for cheap. It makes you love it more.

  2. Oops. I think Natalie might know what you got for her baby! Anyway, you make our finds so exciting. You got a lot of stuff, too. Glad you're making $ now! And. Thanks for all the help cooking. I'm going to miss your help in the kitchen now your other job is starting and you'll hardly be around!

    <3 Mom

    P.S. I'll be thinking on a name for the cruiser. Hmmm. . .so many options. Oh, and on boy "E" names, I found "Ehud" in Gospel Doctrine class today. And Ezekiel.
