Thursday, October 7, 2010

Picture update - day 6,930

My drying rack.  I sure am pushy, huh?  And I may or may not have saved my laundry for today, in hope (anticipation?) that the large bulky amazon package was a drying rack... Thanks Mom and Dad for being gracious about taking a hint!

I am SOOO excited about my new immersion blender.   Soups and smoothies, here I come!

These are the kind of bread pans that I will pass on to my grandchildren when I die.  I love them.  Plus, handy dandy visiting teaching (and any other) gift!  

This is me being silly with the awesome headband/ear warmer that Tess made for me.  I was going to put it on like it's supposed to be worn, but I had a bunch of bobby pins in my hair, so it would have gotten stuck.  Thus, the ultimately fashionable birthday crown thing is goin' on.  Tess made this over conference weekend - she has some mad skill!  It also has an ingenious adjustment thing in the back, which allows me to change its size according to my hairdo - even a ponytail!  Marta also crocheted something amazing for me.  It is a beautiful variegated blue hot pad.  The picture for it didn't turn out (weird lighting, sad), but I will show it soon.  And also, I loved Marta's note.  This hot pad has words of the prophet in it!

I'm not quite sure why this spoon has a hole in the middle, but I like it.  It allows for a great photo-op, too!

Doesn't my family know me well?  They also sent me some exciting things like voter registration forms, dried tomatoes, peach-raspberry jam (which looked so delicious I could barely stand to leave it closed until I have something to eat it with), chocolate, and craisins.  And, since my family couldn't be here to take pictures with me, I decided to post some of my favorite pictures of them:

I love you guys lots!  Thank you so much for all the love.  You are awesome!  


P.S. Parties yet to come.  I will write about them as they occur.

P.P.S. Special thanks to mom.  Without all of her labor, I wouldn't be here (sorry; I had to include a child-bearing pun somewhere, didn't I? ;)


  1. Good reason for not wearing the headband. I am jealous of the mini loaf pans. A lot. Happy 19th birthday my dear sister!!


  2. So where's the picture of you in your underwear holding a sign that says how old you are, how tall you are, how much you way, and what you had to eat today??? Okay, you can leave out the underwear part, but the rest of the tradition needs to be upheld. Looking forward to seeing it! <3 Mom

  3. P.S. Is the metal drying rack ok? I had to put my own spin on it, you know!

  4. Hooray Hooray Hooray, Happy Birthday!

    (Is it today?) -- what a great load of birthday presents, and mine for you, is a compliment:

    Eliza, you are a beautiful daughter of God who is full of life and vigor and who truly has the light of Christ and joy of His Gospel spilling out of your countenance. You will (and have done already) do great things! Count me in your fan club!

  5. You are more than 19 and a week, and we're waiting for more updates!

    Hope you had a lovely weekend!

    <3 MOm
