Thursday, September 30, 2010

I have the best doctor ever and other exciting stories

Strangely enough, this was one of the pictures that came up when I searched google images for "best doctor ever."

Stories of the day:
1. My new doctor at the Student Health Center, Dr. Fors, is amazing.  Today she sent me an email about my blood test results, telling me the results and explaining them.  She told me that I needed to work on one (my A1C, which was 7.0).  She also CALLED me, asking if I'd gotten the email and telling me to call her back if I needed anything.  How awesome is that?  My doctor last year got mad at me for not scheduling two appointments in a row to give him enough time, and then gave me the nurse manager's card to call if I wanted to know my lab results.  What a difference.

2. I would like to brag for a minute.  I got the 2nd-highest score on my physiology test.  Out of two classes.  I feel pretty awesome.  What am I doing in the political science department?  Anyways...  I also did fairly well on the scantron portion of my OB test, which was exciting.  However, I'm not sure about the written portion.  We'll see.

3. I am becoming way more popular as the first exam approaches in Intro to International Relations.  I'm getting emails all the time from anxious students.  And then tearful thank-yous for reassuring them they'll do fine.  It's pretty cool to be able to help them out!

4. I went to the farmer's market again today and got cherry tomatoes and the ingredients for jalapeno jelly.  Probably my favorite part, though, was the huge number of samples available.  I got half a peach, honey butter, raspberry jam, jalapeno jelly (2 samples because I love it!), and half of a turkey burger with apple-dried cherry chutney, because dining services sends a chef over to demonstrate cooking (but he mostly just gives out samples :)  Kristin went with me and it was awesome.  We've really bonded this week, especially since we've had a common enemy (the flu!).

5. The flu.  We (Kristin and I) have determined that if we haven't got it by tomorrow morning, we're home free.  However, we both think that we aren't going to get it, because we cleaned so much and because if we were going to get it, we should have gotten it already!

6. Dinner tonight: grilled cheese sandwich with muenster cheese, caramelized sweet onions, corn, tomatoes, cooked red pepper (in the microwave, is that even allowed?!), and a final layer of pepper cheddar.  YUM.  I was going to take a picture, but I couldn't find my camera and I wasn't about to let it get cold while I looked for a camera.  So you'll just have to dream about it... :)

I love you all tons!  Talk to you later.


P.S. do this: go to  Then press your keys in this order: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a.  This cracked me up.


  1. So what was your score? (On the physics game). Funny. Is it a way to weed out potential majors. Levi knew how to play, but I didn't. Hit the star way too many times.

    So glad you've got a good dr. Wish I was there for dinner. And yay on the good test results.

    <3 Mom
