Hello to my immense readership! It's been a long time since I posted, so we have some catching up to do...
Finals started last Friday, the 16th. I finished up my Excel class that day and studied. Saturday I studied all day for my chem final and went to take it at about 7. We won't discuss the results (although Mom did over the pulpit when she gave a talk on Sunday!). After the test I went over to Heidi's to celebrate the end of chem class/mourn the results/have a great party since we would be going our separate ways soon! We made homemade oreos and brownies, and watched the Swan Princess and Monsters, Inc. on Netflix. I got home at about 2, at which point I decided that I was going to make bread. (I'd promised Ashley, and I wasn't tired anyways...) I went over to our neighbors to borrow a bread pan and they were still awake, as were most of my roommates. So in the next three hours I made bread and homemade hash browns for a compassionate service breakfast. At five Ashley and Shyler got up, got ready, and left for California. It was sad, but not heart-wrenching. I finally went to bed.
Sunday I went to my meetings, went to church, went to a ward musical fireside, and overall had a grand time. On Monday morning I woke up and studied for my Isaiah test, which I took at noon. Afterwards I packed up a bunch of my stuff and took it to my storage unit! It was grand. Then I made cookie dough and went to dinner with Aunt Kristen (who was in town for her son-in-laws' graduation), Vance and Annalisa, Ken and Kelsey, and Jared. We had a great time, and I provided cookie dough for dessert. Then we all played frisbee and I got home after 10, realizing belatedly how much studying I still had to do...
Tuesday I wrote a paper for Islam, which took longer than I had expected but wasn't difficult. I wrote a one-paragraph essay for my Isaiah class about which scripture from the book of Isaiah was my favorite and why. Then I bundled up the cookies I'd made from the remaining cookie dough (they'd taken a while to bake because we didn't have any remaining cookie sheets, only cake pans!) and went to a Political Inquiry Review. I went from there to my Isaiah oral final, where I presented my verse and listened to others present theirs before we all ate the random stuff everyone had brought. Then I went home, finished my Islam paper, and frantically studied for my Islam final for an hour before running to class. The final itself was awesome - there were 28 questions, and a 24 was 100%. They weren't very difficult, either ;) Thank goodness for teachers who don't like taking tests and so won't inflict awful tests on you!
Oh, I forgot to mention but somewhere in there Madi and Kirsi left too, Madi on Monday night and Kirsi on Tuesday afternoon...
Wednesday I studied like a maniac for my political inquiry final, and even went to another review session. During the test, I breezed through the first 50 questions, which were about writing style and research design, but the last 50, on statistics, were just a little bit harder...
After the final, I was done!!! I walked home and it began to rain, then snow. I spent the afternoon packing up my stuff and taking it over to the storage unit. I took stuff that I had borrowed back to the Ross and Murray households, and then finished loading my car for the trip. I had been aiming to go to bed by 9, but I had just started working on my cleaning check at 10. I finished by 11:30, got checked out, and checked my conscious mind out, too! I got up at 6, because I'd arranged with Ian to leave at 7. I'd finished breakfast and packing everything but food in my car when Heidi arrived to send me off at 6:45. Then I checked my email and found out that Ian had decided to leave at 8 instead of seven. Urgh. But Heidi stayed and kept me company. She's awesome. At eight I headed over to Ian and Hayden's apartment. They were still working on packing, so I went back to Heidi's apartment and sent her off to work at 9. I went to the creamery to spend the remaining $3 on my student card, and then at 9:45 went back to the boys' apartment. They weren't even close being done, so I called mom and decided to leave without them!
The story from this point on will be told with pictures :)
These are the things I'll miss at BYU
Kirsi and Ashley and their craziness
The library (HBLL), my second home
My Relief Society and all the people in it. Also, the rest of the ward, I guess...
Y mountain
My roommates and I taking pictures together, especially the head-bang/alien abduction pose
The beautiful blossoms that are just beginning to show - and the groundskeepers!
Amy and Kirsi. Also, the ability to just take off and go to Las Vegas whenever we want, because we're college students and we can!
Shyler, the room-roommate, and her crazy sleep schedule and fake grumpiness. How she The mountains - not the fog though
Crazy roommates. Again
Heidi. We have such a fun time hanging out, talking, and occasionally taking walks to the gym to try and play basketball (all of the courts are always full)
Nice roommates, going to church together
The bell tower, and the bells chiming "Come, Come Ye Saints" every hour, telling me I'm late to class
My Late Summer Honors class, and the honors program in general
Amy. She's pretty awesome.
Roommmates - getting ready to jump, and then
Heidi again, and our fun times. Her roommate Sarah tags along sometimes, too
Provo canyon. That's Heidi again and her friend Emily
Inside jokes with my roommates
Amy's funky dance moves
My cute comforter and my bright fake flowers. And Heritage Halls in general. It was a good place
Brigham Young. The Honor Code. The lack of beards on attractive young men...
Shyler and Ashley watching movies in our room when I'm trying to study
My friend Michelle
Random trips to IHop at odd hours of the day and night with the roomies. Kirsi's insatiable appetite for Ihop pancakes
The Drive Home
When we got home all the lights were off and the garage door was locked. We proceeded with caution through the front door, where I was promptly bombarded by nerf darts provided by my siblings' ambush. Hugs all around, a little bit of packing, and some chocolate before bed. How could it ever be better? WITH FLOWERS, OF COURSE!! (You thought that was a rhetorical question, didn't you? Hah!) Yep, they got me a beautiful bouquet. I love flowers. This just made me feel so special and loved. <3
Things I had missed about home/Things I was glad to see
First, the places.
1. The pantry. That first night I ran an inventory of the pantry and all of our fridges/freezers. We're going to be doing so much fun cooking...
2. Our beautifully remodeled study. I am so impressed with my parents.
3. The living room. And all the things that go on there, like FHE, family council, movie nights, wrestling...
4. The garden. That sign, so cutely painted, says "Houghton weeds - U-pick."
5. The back yard. Our chicken palace, which is the cutest chicken coop ever made. Our grass, the woodshed, and the horses that graze in the property above ours.
6. Sonora High. I went to the school on Friday at lunch to visit Ariel and my siblings, and to give Marta a notebook she'd forgotten. It was really fun seeing everything and everyone I've been away from for so long!
7-8. Downtown Sonora. I used to drive this road twice a day, and I never realized how homey, friendly, and cozy our little town is.
9. The view from our front porch. Love it.
10. Not pictured, but our church. It is beautiful and full of beautiful teachings, spirit, and people.
Luke. One minute he's squirming out of my hug and telling me not to be so touchy, the next he's putting his arm companionably over my shoulder. I missed him.
Dad. He is awesome, as I wrote on our family calendar board yesterday.
Marta cracks me up. We've decided in the last two days that she is both cooler and smarter than me. Sigh.
We have some great times together, though! Oh, and she is also a much faster swimmer than I am, as she showed in the meet I attended on Friday afternoon.
Luke is a silly goose! This photo was taken without his permission or preparation, but I just loved his expression! And he has the same style of glasses that I bought last summer! Great minds think alike.
Mom. She is amazing. When I left BYU, I had just gotten to the level of independence where every other sentence out of my mouth didn't begin with "Well, my mom says..." I guess in August I'll start over in square one.
While I was making gourmet sandwiches on Saturday (more on that later) Levi read Eragon to me. He is so cute. He loves reading, though not quite as much as I do, and he has decided that when he grows up he'd going to be the next J.R.R. Tolkien.
I didn't have any pictures of Tess from this week yet! Lame! I'll get some soon, don't you worry, but here are the three girls at the top of Observation Point a few weeks ago in Zion's national park.
This last picture does not show what I missed, obviously. It just shows how happy I am to be home!
More on Saturday through the present later. This blog post is quite long enough!
Love all,